Miniature Masterpiece Countdown – 7 Demon Lord Aseroth by Lillybat

Welcome to the Hero Forge Miniature Masterpiece Countdown.

Every day I post a miniature that exemplifies a designer’s use of at least one of my critical design principles: technical skill with the tools, innovative thinking, and expression of theme or subject matter.

At the end of the week, I post the number 1 Miniature Masterpiece. This mini demonstrates the designer’s ability to employ all 3 creative elements in their work.

After 7 weeks, all the winners of the countdown are placed on a single list, and you vote for your number 1 miniature.

Who will be the season 2 All-Star?

Demon Lord Aseroth by Lillybat

The number 7 spot on this week’s Hero Forge Miniature Masterpiece countdown fits the frigid winter weather I’m experiencing in this area. It also displays an excellent hand at color manipulation and adhering to theme. Lillybat used the transparent plastic option in the color palette to help create an icy texture. And the pose really sells Aseroth as a creature of cold wrath.

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